
香蕉與食品浪費的醜陋面 | 麥特.克里夫德 | TEDxBend

Bananas & the ugly side of food waste | Matt Clifford | TEDxBend


※本影片之英中翻譯為 ICLP第7級學生高捷凱 (Daniel Eberts) 於孫雅玲老師指導「影片翻譯」課程中之作品。



   Bananas are the most wasted produce item on the planet. For the last five years, food entrepreneur Matt Clifford has been obsessed with fixing that. Learn about the ugly side of food waste and a compelling idea on how to address it.

  麥特 • 克里夫德是Barnana公司的創立者之一暨營運長。Barnarna是一家B Corp認證的公司,它永續性的作法是再利用有機香蕉,減少了食品浪費並提供更營養的小吃選擇。曾獲富比士雜誌、紐約時報與男士期刊之青睞的Barnana,以其處理食品浪費問題的獨特方法而聞名世界。克里夫德是一位積極的投資人,耐力運動員,還有熱愛美食的人。他在2016年獲選富比士「30歲以下創業者」的菁英之列,也獲得《聖地牙哥商業期刊》與《Locale》雜誌之最佳企業家獎。克里夫德以極優等畢業於聖地牙哥州立大學,拿到金融學的理學士文憑,另持有牛津大學的專業進修憑證。

   Matt Clifford is the Co-Founder & COO of Barnana. A certified B-Corp, Barnana sustainably upcycles organic bananas to reduce food waste and provide a healthier snacking option. Featured in Forbes, Inc. Magazine, The New York Times, and Men’s Journal, Barnana is recognized for its unique approach to tackling the world’s food waste problem. Clifford is an active investor, endurance athlete, and lover of delicious food. He was named one of Forbes’ 30 Under 30 in 2016 and Top Entrepreneur in San Diego by both SDBJ and Locale Magazine. Clifford graduated Magna Cum Laude from San Diego State University with a Bachelor of Science in finance and holds a certificate of professional studies from Oxford University, England.


   This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx



   Great introduction. (Laughter) Every year, 150 billion bananas are produced for export. That same year, 75 billion are never consumed. 50% of the annual production of bananas go to waste each year. 50%. For the last five years, we have been obsessed with this fact.


   Our journey into the banana business started in 2012 with a seemingly innocent business idea. Let's bring this very popular snack from Brazil to the United States. Now, I know what you're all thinking: one, that is a bad idea, and two, that is an ugly looking snack. (Laughter) Our plan: introduce this tasty Brazilian treat to the US market and build a brand synonymous with banana-based snacks. Now, before we purchased a few thousand kilos of bananas to start our ''banana empire,'' we got our hands on as much banana literature as possible. I remember my wife looking at me saying: "You're really doing this. You're starting a banana business." (Laughter)

  應該承認,我們三個傢伙都沒有什麼食品經驗。我們想要開創一家香蕉公司,是因為我們堅定相信,美國需要這個巴西來的美味小吃。應該這樣說... 親友並不太支持我們,而且我們對前途感到茫然。我們學到了什麼呢?結果美國人狂愛香蕉。這可是好消息,美國一年消費350億支香蕉,等於全球香蕉產量的25%。美國人的香蕉消費量,比蘋果加柳橙還多。不出所料,我們也發現,我們熟悉的那種彎彎的黃色水果,不但是最常食用的水果,也是最被浪費的水果。

   Now, full disclaimer: we were three guys, with no background in food, wanting to start a banana business because we were convinced that the US needed this tasty delicious treat from Brazil. Let's just say, our friends and family were less than encouraging, and we had no idea what we were getting ourselves into. So, what did we learn? Turns out Americans are crazy for bananas. This was good news. The US consumes 35 billion bananas a year. That is 25% of the total global production of bananas. The US consumes more bananas than apples and oranges combined. Not surprisingly, we also found out that our familiar curved, yellow fruit is not only the most consumed, but also the most wasted.


   So how? How are 75 billion bananas wasted each year? That number is so large, it's hard to wrap our head around. Are they not consumed? Are they spoiled? Are they thrown away? What's up with the banana? The results of these questions changed the course of our business and sparked a journey into the ugly side of food, and we haven't turned back.

  近幾年,其實我們不是聰明只是運氣好,所以能夠成功地「升級再造」520萬支香蕉,避免浪費。(掌聲)我們的方法是先認定在香蕉的上下游供應鏈中,最浪費的階段在哪裡,並用那一階段的香蕉製作產品。公司的成長率超乎了預期,成為一家價值破百萬的企業。我們做了好事、減少浪費、創造工作以及降低碳排放。我們高興到跑去銀行那裏跟他們擊掌!我們是B Corp認證的公司,而且我們還買了一輛香蕉車!很成功,對吧?不對!

   Over the years, we've been more lucky than smart, and we've been able to successfully upcycle 5.2 million bananas from being wasted. (Applause) Our approach was to identify where the largest source of waste in the banana stream was, and make products out of that. We've exceeded all of our expectations of growth, built a multimillion-dollar business by doing good, reducing waste, creating jobs, lowering emissions. I mean, we were like high-fiving to the bank. We're a certified B-Corp, and we even purchased a banana car. Success, right? Wrong.


   Five years later, all the fanfare, the net impact we've had on reducing banana waste: 0.0632%. Yes, that is a decimal, followed by four digits and a percent. Not even one-tenth of one percent. I mean, we ran the numbers three times. Surely, we had a larger impact than that. Five years, a banana car, all that hard work! Right, 75 billion. I mean, it's a big market. The opportunity is huge. The sad thing is, this issue is not unique to bananas or fruit. It is rampant across the global food complex. Every year, we lose 1.3 billion tonnes of food. That's enough to feed 45% of the world. 3 billion people. Waste can be broken into two main buckets: consumption and production. The right side of this matrix is feckless consumer waste. We are all guilty of this. We have all over-ordered at a restaurant, let full spoil in the fridge, and toss leftovers. We are humans, and we create waste. This is a huge issue and accounts for 45% of total waste.


   Today, we are going to talk about the ugly side of food waste, the not-so-often talked about and discussed: production. Production consists of a few main buckets: harvesting, handling, processing and packing. These three buckets account for 55% of all food waste globally. Production loss varies depending on infrastructure of the host country and crop being harvested, but the averages are striking. Of all root vegetables wasted, 70% of them are wasted during production. 60% for fruits, 52% for cereal, 49% for fish and 48% for meat. 715 million tonnes of food is wasted in production. That's enough to feed 1.5 billion people, the combined populations of India and the United States.


   So how? How are 715 million tonnes of food wasted in the production side? Unfortunately, this is a story about being ugly. The crazy carrot, the Frankenstein potato, and the not-so-round orange are no longer found at our local supermarkets. We are partly to blame as we are not so keen to pick up the so-called "ugly fruit and vegetable." And this pressure to produce perfect is systemic and highly unfortunate. Other factors contributing to production waste are inefficient washing and packing facilities, lack of infrastructure, as in roads, and bruising and scarring during transportation. It's often we take one step forward and two steps backward. Ugly fruits and vegetables that don't meet the quality standards set by retailers are left unwanted and unshipped at farms across the world. With 723 million people classified as food insecure, this is a modern tragedy.  


   However, there's good news. Food loss is no longer a lofty academic goal discussed at Davos and the United Nations. What we started five years ago is proof that there's value in the waste stream. And we're not alone. More and more companies are creating value from the large complex of production loss, but sadly, it's not enough. We need a shift in the narrative of production loss. With 715 million tonnes of food wasted, we have an acceptance problem just as much as we have a systems problem. Food waste is taboo. It's taboo in your home, and it's taboo in the boardroom of large companies. Companies don't want to be told their actions cause undue harm and they certainly don't want their customers to be told that.


   Two years ago, the cover of Fortune magazine was ''War on Big Food.'' Since 2009, the top 25 largest food companies have lost over 18 billion dollars in market value. The time is now for Big Food and Big Ag to get in the waste game. It's good for the P&L, and it's good for the planet. Companies are no better than consumers, however, we demonize companies exponentially more for all their vices. Big Ag and Big Food are not transparent about waste, because we have negatively stigmatized waste, creating the taboo we have today. The results of that taboo is a black box of food waste that is not discussed, shared or addressed. Until we make this shift, waste will be a fringe problem for a group of passionate players trying to get dent in a big issue. We need to address the elephant in the room, remove the guilt and open the conversation. We need to not make war on big food, but work with big food.


   Today waste is reported on a macro level. It's buried in white papers in the United Nations, but it doesn't have to be that way. What if Big Food and Big Ag publish reports quantifying the commodity, item or process they are experiencing increased challenges with? What if we invited all food companies to share their waste and not feel guilty about it? What if we created an X-prize-style challenge calling on entrepreneurs, academics and professionals to submit ideas on how to repurpose, reuse or upcycle the 715 million tonnes of food wasted annually? This would create a world and waste [that] is much more transparent and far more actionable. It'd create insight into where opportunities exist and invite entrepreneurs to tackle the challenge. What we started five years ago is proof, and I am confident that with access to the right information, the community can make a dent in the ugly side of food. Thank you.

※ 譯者:高捷凱/2018年夏季班/ICLP七級



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