編按:以下節錄文章為一文兩譯,譯者分別以繁簡體呈現兩岸政治語言之特色。 New Zealand PM Jacinda Ardern Victory Speech Transcript: Wins 2020 New Zealand Election 2020年紐西蘭大選:紐西蘭總理傑辛達・阿爾登勝選演說 2020年新西兰大选:新西兰总理杰辛达·阿德恩胜选演说 Tonight, New Zealand has shown the Labour Party its greatest support in at least 50 years. WE have seen that support in both urban areas and in rural areas and seats we may have hoped for, but in those equally we may not have expected. And for that, I only have two simple words. Thank you. Thank you to the people who worked so hard to share our message, who volunteered for us in what felt like an endless campaign. Thank you to the candidates and members of Parliament who worked not just for six weeks, but for three years to earn their community’s support. [繁體譯文] 今晚,勞動黨獲得五十多年來最高的支持度,我們確認紐西蘭選民的支持不分城鄉,有的選區的支持是出人意表。我要向所有的支持者,致上我們最深的感謝。這次選舉,競選活動特別激烈,我們走在艱苦的道路上,大家伸出援手,我很感謝。全體候選人及議員,他們除了這六個星期的選舉期間以外,過去三年也一直不斷努力,我也要向各位,致上敬意。 [简体译文] 今晚,新西兰劳动党实现在五十年奋斗历程中最大的胜利,成功争取城市的支持、乡村的支持、原同志的支持、新同志的支持。在这里,我代表劳动党,向全体支持者、一切传播劳动党理念的贡献者,致以衷心的谢意!向选举活动期间的六周之外,过去三年不断奋斗的各候选人、议员,致以崇高的敬意! But most importantly, thank you to the many people who gave us their vote, who trusted us to continue with leading New Zealand’s recovery, who backed to the plan we are already rolling out. And to those amongst you who may not have supported Labour before and the results tell me there were a few of you. To you I say thank you. We will not take your support for granted. And I can promise you, we will be a party that governs for every New Zealander. [繁體譯文] 我要特別謝謝所有將寶貴的一票投給我們勞動黨的支持者,信任我們的力量,委託我們打下長治久安的基礎。我也要謝謝新的勞動黨支持者,今晚的選舉結果是難得的驚喜。我要在這裡向大家承諾,我們勞動黨一定會為所有的國人同胞努力服務。 [简体译文] 我要向全体信任我们劳动党带领新西兰人民的支持者,致以最大谢意!向新的劳动党朋友们,致以特别谢意!我代表劳动党保证,我们努力为全体新西兰人争取伟大复兴! The governing for every New Zealander has never been so important more than it has been now. We are living in an increasingly polarized world, a place where more and more people have lost the ability to see one another’s point of view. I hope that this election, New Zealand has shown that this is not who we are. That as a nation, we can listen and we can debate. After all, we are small too lose sight of other people’s perspective. Elections aren’t always great at bringing people together, but they also don’t need to tear one another apart. [繁體譯文] 此時此刻,紐西蘭正需要強化全體國民的合作基礎。目前的社會容易瓦解,人民不肯互相尊重。我希望此大選顯示紐西蘭社會並非如此。身為民主社會的成員,我們都樂於聽取他人的意見,嘗試理解別人的立場。雖然我國的規模不太大,但有明顯的優勢,其中一個就是強大的團結力。選舉確實容易造成分歧,但是不一定要造成不能跨越的鴻溝。 [简体译文] 此时此刻,新西兰迫切需要团结带领全体新西兰人民的政府,迫切需要对应瓦解人民团结的势力。新西兰劳动党的胜利显示了新西兰人民坚持共融、坚持合作、坚持互相尊重。新西兰人民显示了即便是大选也不能够打破全国坚固的团结。 (略) We know the next few years will not be easy. The last few have not been easy either, but there have been chinks of light that have shown through even the darkest of times. That light has been our nation’s determination, our support for one another, our sense of resolve. And that light has always been more powerful than the most overwhelming darkness. Yes, policies, ideas, and having a plan matters, but it will only be as good as the people that it works to support. And I cannot imagine a people I would feel more privileged to work on behalf of, to work alongside and to be Prime Minister for. [繁體譯文] 過去幾年來,我們面對嚴峻的挑戰,此後幾年也必須不斷奮鬥。但我要強調,在如此困難的時刻,是大家的魄力、團結、互助,守住了我們的國家。無論政府的指引多麼健全,有大家的高度自律和素養,我們才能絕處逢生。我非常榮幸為全體紐西蘭國人同胞服務。 [简体译文] 新西兰人民进行的一切奋斗、一切牺牲、一切创造,过去几年来一直有,现在也有,未来也一定会有。新西兰光荣的过去、光荣的现在、光荣的未来,都奠定于新西兰人民的意志、互助及魄力,这都是新西兰伟大的财产。健全的政策、想法、计划有助於伟大成就,但同志们的英勇顽强的奋斗才是国家的根本所在、命脉所在、利益所系、命运所系。身为新西兰总理,努力为新西兰人民争取更大复兴,这是伟大光荣! We will govern as we campaigned, positively with optimism about our future, with a relentless focus on a recovery that brings New Zealanders with us to deliver long lasting change. Now more than ever is the time to keep going, to keep working, to grab hold of the opportunities that lay in front of us. So let’s step forward together. [foreign language 00:07:33] Let’s keep moving. [繁體譯文] 我國必定致力於適應時代的要求,但我們勞動黨的善意不變、承諾不變。我們有責任繼續「善的循環」,以樂觀的姿態來面對未來的挑戰。我期許所有的紐西蘭國民,堅持努力、堅持合力、堅持盡力而為。各位親愛的國人同胞,我相信我們會攜手往前走。[外語 00:07:33]我相信我們會堅定走下去,讓我國持續發光發熱。 [简体译文] 劳动党始终恪守承诺,展望新西兰伟大复兴的光明前景,不断关注新西兰人民前途命运。此时此刻,新西兰迫切需要探寻民族复兴的前途。携手前进![外语 00:07:33]不断向前!