感謝周文龍教授再度慷慨捐款USD2,500(2020年9月),幫助想學中文的同學圓夢! Many thanks to Professor Joseph Allen for another generous donation of USD2,500 in September 2020! It helps dreams come true for Chinese learners! 自1962年成立以來,ICLP培育了無數學界、政治、法律、商業領袖,也因學習中文,而能幫助更多人,發揮巨大的社會與學術影響力。然而,越遠大的夢想,越需要各方的支持和幫助。 Established in 1962, the International Chinese Language Program (ICLP) has trained countless leaders in the fields of academia, politics, law, and business. Their proficiency in Mandarin Chinese has enabled them to help more people and greatly impact both academia and society. However, the broader the dream, the more help and support it needs. 近幾年來,許多計畫到ICLP的傑出學生,因為經濟困難,最後不得不放棄來台。為了幫助這些有遠大夢想的年輕學生,我們徵求校友捐贈獎學金,讓國際學子安心向學,讓每一個小夢想,翻轉大世界。方式如下: Over the last few years, there have been a considerable number of impressive students who were forced to give up the opportunity to come to ICLP due to financial difficulties. To support these young students with big dreams, we are reaching out to our alumni to solicit donations for scholarships that will help transform these dreams into reality. The details of the donations are as follows: 校友指定捐贈獎學金給同校就讀的學生。例如畢業於加州大學系統的校友,可指定獎學金給該校學生。 Alumni can designate the scholarship to go toward students from a specific school. For instance, alumni of the University of California (UC) system can designate their aid to be given specifically to students who are also from the same school. 獎學金捐款金額達USD5,000元以上,捐款人可以指定命名,例如自己的名字,或以紀念(祖)父母親為名。受獎人將書寫感謝函予捐款人。 The donor can name the scholarship if the funding is more than USD5,000. For example, the scholarship can be named after the donor or his/her (grand)parents. The student who receives the scholarship will write a letter of thanks to the donor. 小額信用卡定期捐款。例如每個月扣款USD10元(或任何數額)做為獎學金基金。 Credit card donation on a recurring basis is also an option. For instance, a donation of USD10 (or any amount) can be made each month. 線上捐款請指定給「國際華語研習所」 To make a donation online, please be sure to specify your donation to “International Chinese Language Program”, or “國際華語研習所”. 捐款步驟 / Donation Procedures https://iclp.ntu.edu.tw/download/index.php?index_id=93 捐款頁面 / Make a Gift https://iclp.ntu.edu.tw/alumni/index.php?index_id=9 (個人註冊後即可捐款 / Once registered, you will be able to donate.) 下載捐款單 / Download Donation Form http://homepage.ntu.edu.tw/~iclp/epaper/attachment/docu/2020donationform(ICLP).doc 如果您住在美國,此捐款可以抵稅。 If you live in the US, the donation will be tax deductible. 也衷心感謝周文龍教授(ICLP校友會會長、明尼蘇達大學東亞語言語文化學系名譽教授)慷慨捐款5000美金,作為ICLP獎學金的基金。我們盼望能拋磚引玉,幫助更多年輕學子完成夢想,人生有更高的成就。 We are sincerely grateful to Professor Joseph R. Allen (周文龍教授, President of the ICLP Alumni Association and Professor Emeritus of Chinese Literature and Cultural Studies, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities) for his generous donation of USD5,000 to the ICLP scholarship fund. We hope that this will be a good start, and we will be able to help more young students fulfill their dreams and have greater achievements in the future. 如有任何建議或進一步資訊,歡迎隨時與我們聯繫,請來信: If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact us: iclp@ntu.edu.tw 或 whkao@ntu.edu.tw(高維泓所長/Professor Wei-Hong Kao, Director of ICLP)