「ICLP電子報」自2009年1月創刊以來,歷經了近十年寒暑,已發行了共191期。電子報最初的設立的原因,是為了讓學生有一個發表文章的園地。不少前來就讀的學生,是正在攻讀碩博士的研究生,或是學有專精的學者。他們總十分認真地準備期末發表,以淺顯易懂的方式介紹專業知識。他們所寫的作文,無不是嘔心瀝血之作,總想辦法使用學過的語法與字彙,發表充滿見地的文章。 The "ICLP E-Newsletter" has gone through almost ten years of time and a total of 191 issues since it was first published in January of 2009. The initial establishment of the E-Newsletter was to give students a space to publish their articles. Many students who come to study at ICLP are pursuing postgraduate work or are scholars in a specialized field of study. As such, they always prepare for the end-of-semester speech with great verve and welcome the chance to present their research in an approachable manner. They pour their hearts and souls into every essay they write, always thinking of ways to use the grammar structures and vocabulary they have learned to compose insightful articles. 為了讓大家認真撰寫、富含知識、有獨特個人看法的文章能和更多人分享,並見證自己進步,ICLP組織了電子報編輯團隊,在指導老師與學生主編的合作下,每兩週彙集精采文章與演講視頻,分享給海內外的讀者、校友、老師等。我們的閱讀人數,從創刊時期的數十人,已經成長至約三千人,人數雖然比不上有上億使用者的臉書或其他社群媒體,但卻是全球華語教學界發行最穩定、品質最豐富、觸角深的最遠、有相當影響力的網路刊物。 Compiled appropriately, these diligently written articles also allow students to see their own progress in Chinese learning. In order to provide students with opportunities to share their insightful essays and unique views with more people, ICLP organized an editorial team to support the publication of students' works. Every two weeks, through the efforts of an advisor and the student editor-in-chief, brilliant essays and speeches were shared with students, teachers, and other readers around the world. The number of E-Newsletter readers has grown from a few dozen to around 3,000 today. These numbers cannot be compared to the hundreds of millions of users on Facebook or other social media sites. However, in the Chinese teaching community, the ICLP E-Newsletter is the most stable and influential online publication, with the richest content and greatest reach across the globe. 電子報做為學生發表的園地,有同學們的文藝創作,研究心得,也記錄著學生在台灣生活的點點滴滴,大如參加演講比賽、北港之旅、對中國與台灣政治的觀察,小至在學校自助餐廳吃飯的趣事,對都是同學們寫作的主題。這191期的內容就像是一部紀錄片,記錄著同學們從外來者的新鮮眼光,描述抵達台灣後的種種,以及如何融入本地生活,見證年輕學子「如何」因為學習中文打開一扇窗。所謂「凡走過必留下痕跡」,這些電子報留下了大家努力學習、認真玩耍的青春印記。 The E-Newsletter is a space for students to publish their work. It includes students' literary creations, research experiences, and snippets of their everyday life in Taiwan. The topics range from students' experiences in speech contests, trips to Beigang, and observations of Chinese or Taiwanese politics to anecdotes on eating at the college cafeteria. The past 191 issues are like a documentary, recording new students' impressions of Taiwan from a fresh, outside perspective and chronicling how they adapt to local life in Taiwan. It gives us an opportunity to witness how studying Chinese opens new windows for young scholars. As the saying goes, "Footprints in the sand surely show where you have been," so our E-Newsletter bears the "footprints" of students' hard work and favorite experiences. 十年說長不長,說短不短,「ICLP電子報」從最初的紙本,到進入網頁版,見證了ICLP陪伴師生成長。許多畢業生多年後回到ICLP探望老師,有的已成家立業,有的成為桃李天下的學者,有的成了外交人員、商場達人、政治家,見到久違的老師們,仍保有當年濃濃的師徒之情,更重要的是,幾乎所有的校友都願意跟學弟妹演講或接受訪問,分享當年的種種及專業知識,ICLP電子報可說是記錄了傑出校友的養成過程。 Ten years is not a long time, but neither is it insignificant. From its early paper issues to the later online version, the E-Newsletter has witnessed the growth of both ICLP and its students and teachers. Many of our graduates return to ICLP years later to visit their teachers. Some have married and settled down, some have become scholars mentoring students all over the world, and some have become foreign dignitaries, titans of industry, or politicians. Yet even with the intervening years, their strong friendship and respect for their teachers remains intact. More importantly, almost all our alumni are willing to give talks or interviews with ICLPers who have come after them, generously sharing their knowledge and their experiences at ICLP. In a way, the ICLP E-Newsletter serves as a record of our outstanding alumni's paths to success. 為了提供讀者更精緻豐富的內容,從本期開始,「ICLP電子報」將從雙周刊改為月刊。感謝這十多年來,不斷給我們建議與鞭策的讀者,以及背後犧牲娛樂,讓電子報準時出刊的學生主編與指導老師們。「ICLP電子報」將繼續發揮歷史紀錄片的精神,也將做為師生們思想撞擊、追求真理與新知的場域。 To provide our readers with more refined and richer content, the ICLP E-Newsletter will be changing from a bi-weekly to a monthly publication starting from this issue. We would like to extend our thanks to all the readers who have spurred us to greater efforts these past ten years, and to our teachers and student editors, who have put in so much of their time and effort to make sure the E-Newsletter is published punctually. In the future, the ICLP E-Newsletter will continue to act in its capacity as a historical documentary while serving as a venue for teachers and students to exchange ideas, pursue truth, and seek new knowledge. 譯者:宋玉萍 (Sabrina Castle)