1. 2020暑期正規班仍開放接受報名!為因應疫情變化,除原有實體班外,另新增線上課程。
2. 2020-21學年班,現正報名中!
3. 華語菁英Gap Year專班(九月開始)–歡迎適合高中畢業生及零起點學生參加
Online Summer Program & 2020-21 Regular Program
Gap Year Program for senior high school graduates and total beginners—Starting this September!
In response to the outbreak of Covid-19, ICLP is offering two tracks of the Summer Program for applicants: online and physical courses. Application on a rolling basis until mid-May or when all spots are taken. Details to be available soon on our website. Please check back later.
Application for the Academic Year Program is accepted on a rolling basis, too.
“Chinese Gap Year in Taipei” – a brand new program this September for high school graduates and total beginners – NOW open for application!
各班課程內容詳見/For more program details:https://iclp.ntu.edu.tw/program/