馬國光,1942年生,筆名亮軒,台灣作家、文學評論家,廣播主持人與製作人。祖籍遼寧金州區,抗戰時出生於重慶北碚,就讀國立藝專影劇科,獲紐約布魯克林學院廣電研究所碩士學位,曾在世新大學口語傳播系任教多年。曾於臺大國際華語研習所之前身「美國各大學中國語文聯合研習所」任教。曾獲得中山文藝散文獎,中國時報吳魯芹散文推薦獎等,並長年於報刊發表專欄。 Kua-kuang Ma, born in 1942, pen name Liang Hsuan, is a Taiwanese writer, literary critic, broadcast host, and producer. His ancestral home is in the Jinzhou District of Liaoning Province. He was born in Beibei, Chongqing during the Second Sino-Japanese War. He studied at the National Taiwan University of Arts and received a master’s degree from Department of Television and Radio, Brooklyn College, New York. He taught at the Department of Speech Communications at Shih Hsin University for many years. He also used to teach at ICLP’s predecessor -- Inter-University Program. He has won the Zhongshan Literary Prose Award, the China Times Wu Luqin Prose Recommendation Award, etc., and has published columns in newspapers and magazines for many years.