step out of your COMFORT ZONE and into YOUR FUTURE
NTU and ICLP are excited to launch Chinese Gap Year (CGY) in Taipei, a nine-month language learning and cultural immersion gap year for recent high-school graduates who want to learn Chinese, dive into Taiwanese culture and society, and challenge themselves with an opportunity to grow and develop. We encourage you to share this program with any interested students, and we hope they can join us this September for a meaningful and memorable nine months on the beautiful campus of National Taiwan University! Visit
傳承近六十年的華語教學經驗, ICLP一直在思索如何在新的時代,提供更多元的華語學習經驗,滿足不同學習者的專門需求。 現在我們以喜悅的心情與您分享這個以高效語言教學為核心,同時培養青年獨立自主能力,豐富心靈、視野的 "Chinese Gap Year (CGY) in Taipei"。 CGY是一個專屬於高中畢業生的園地,我們希望能在這個人生的重要階段,陪伴他們邁出一步,探尋屬於自己的未來。 ICLP即將展開新頁,在這歷史性的一刻,我們期許自己精益求精,持續為華語教育開創新局。 |
Learn. Live. Grow.
Chinese Gap Year in Taipei