演講歌唱字正腔圓 表達認識中華文化的決心及努力 1980年12月22日 / 中央日報 【本報訊】 參加由文化大學觀光系等單位主辦的華語演講暨歌唱比賽的外國留華學生,昨天上午在育達商職禮堂,或一本正經的發表演說或表演逗笑的相聲,再不然則彈彈唱唱,表達了他們學國語、認識中國文化的決心及努力,引起全場近千名觀眾不斷的笑聲及掌聲。 這項由文化大學觀光系、臺北市獅子會主辦的「臺北區大專院校華語演講暨歌唱比賽大會」昨天上午九點在育達禮堂舉行,由觀光系主任劉令興主持。邀請黎東方、張佛千、汪精輝、黃河等學術、音樂界人士分任演講及歌場的評審委員。演講比賽的名次依次為江寄萍(日本)、今村英明(日本)、盧美玉(韓國)、山口清一(日本)、麥宇凡(美國)、崔炳植(韓國)。另美國的夕魯彬因以相聲方式演出,不合演講規定,故不列名次,頒以特別獎。歌場比賽的名次依次為馬志修(美國),金鍾潤(韓國)、及高松大至郎(日本)。 獲演講第一名的江寄萍學過二年的中文,三個月前來華就讀於臺大史丹佛中心實地學習國語。昨天她操著字正腔圓的國語,以街頭陌生人不厭其煩的為她指引道路或修理她所騎的掉鍊單車為例,生動的說明了「中國的人情味」。 獲特別獎的文魯彬,則別出心裁的邀請與他有同學之誼的江寄萍,共同以相聲表達了他對此地交通情形的見聞。他以一名臺北小市民的角度表示,每次等公車,不是車不來,就是車來後別人都擠上了,車門一關,揚長而去,留下他一個人吃了一肚子車尾冒出的黑煙。一氣之下改買了一輛五十西西機車,叫做「全家福送貨專車」,因為「我在前面騎,太太做後面,油箱坐兒子,太太抱女兒,肚中還『帶球走』,一家五口,每天早上共乘這部車一路橫衝直撞的分別送他們上班、上學。」觀眾對他這生動的描述,莫不報以熱烈掌聲。 歌唱組的馬志修則以吉他自彈自唱,表演了「中華民國頌」,渾厚的嗓音,精湛的演奏技巧,台風頗似時下的民歌手,勇奪了第一名。 整個大會過程高潮迭起,笑聲及掌聲不斷最後在主席宣佈「明年再來」聲中圓滿結束。 Speeches and Songs Presented with Flawless Pronunciation Students Demonstrate Determination and Hard Work in Understanding Chinese Culture [December 22, 1980 / Central Daily News / Page 3] (Central News Agency) Foreign students studying Chinese in Taiwan participated in the Chinese Speech and Singing Competition co-organized by the Chinese Culture University's Department of Tourism and others. Yesterday morning, the students presented their speeches at the assembly hall of the Yu Da High School of Commerce and Home Economics. There were serious speeches, comedic sketches, as well as singing while playing an instrument. The performances conveyed the students' determination and hard work in learning Chinese and understanding Chinese culture. There was continuous laughter and applause from the nearly one thousand audience members present. The "Taipei City College Student Chinese Speech and Singing Competition", sponsored by the Tourism Department of the Chinese Culture University and Taipei City's Lions Club International, commenced at 9 a.m. yesterday at the Yu Da assembly hall. The event was hosted by the department chair Ling-Xing Liu. Professionals from academia and the music world such as Dong-Fang Li, Fo-Qian Zhang, Jing-Hui Wang, and He Huang were invited to judge the speeches and songs. Students placed in yesterday's speech competition in the following order: Madoka Etoh (Japan), Hideaki Imamura (Japan), Mei-Yu Lu (Korea), Seiichi Yamaguchi (Japan), Yu-Fan Mai (U.S.A.), Bing-Zhi Cui ( Korea). American student Roben Winkler received a special award because his use of crosstalk did not conform to the speech competition's rules. The students placed in the singing competition in the following order: Zhi-Xiu Ma (U.S.A.), Zhong-Run Jin (Korea), Takamatsu Otoro (Japan). Madoka Etoh, who placed first in the speech competition, has studied Chinese for two years. Three months ago she came to Taiwan to study Chinese at Stanford Center of the National Taiwan University. Yesterday, she used very articulate and fluent Chinese to relate her experiences asking strangers she had met on the street for directions or for help repairing the broken chain on her bicycle. She used these examples to illustrate Chinese people's friendliness. Roben Winkler, who was awarded a special prize, adopted an original approach by inviting his classmate Madoka Etoh to join him in using crosstalk to express his experience regarding Taiwan's traffic conditions. He used a Taipei resident's plebeian point of view to express how every time he waited for the bus, either the bus never came or when it did come, everyone squeezed in and the door closed, leaving him behind to inhale a cloud of black smoke emitted by the bus. In a fit of anger, he changed his transportation method and bought a 50 cc motorcycle which he named Happy Family Special Delivery Motorcycle. The reason for the name was because "I ride in front, my son sits on the fuel tank, and my pregnant wife sits on the rear while holding our daughter. A family of five rides this one motorcycle together every morning, barrelling through traffic to get everyone to work and school. "Listening to his vivid description, everyone in the audience rewarded him with enthusiastic applause. Zhi-Xiu Ma from the singing competition accompanied himself on guitar. He performed Ode to Taiwan with a deep, resounding voice and excellent guitar techniques. His stage presence was comparable to a modern folk singer and he took first place in the competition. The whole proceeding was filled with one climax after another. The laughter and applause lasted until the very end, when the Chairman ended the event on a satisfactory note, saying, "Come back next year!" (Translated by Felicia Angesti)