前「美國各大學中國語文聯合研習所」(Inter-University Program)執行長 Former Executive Director of the Inter-University Board of Chinese Language Studies in Taipei 現任亞歷桑納州立大學天普校區國際文學與文化學院中文講座教授 Currently Foundation Professor of Chinese at the School of International Letters and Cultures at Arizona State University in Tempe 奚如谷(Stephen H. West)博士是美國漢學家、哲學家和翻譯家。1972年從密西根大學博士畢業後,於亞歷桑納大學任教至1985年,後至加州大學柏克萊校區擔任東亞語言學系任教,退休時獲頒榮譽教授。奚教授目前為亞歷桑納州立大學天普校區國際文學與文化學院中文講座教授,同時擔任該校東洋東南洋語言文化組組長。奚教授曾擔任臺大國際華語研習所前身「美國各大學中國語文聯合研習所」之董事(1992-2000),並於1996-2000年擔任其執行長。 Stephen H. West, Ph.D., is a sinologist, philologist, and translator. Dr. West received his Ph.D. from the University of Michigan in 1972. He formerly taught at University of Arizona until 1985, then moved to University of California, Berkeley, where he retired from the Department of East Asian Languages as Emeritus Professor. Dr. West is currently Foundation Professor of Chinese at the School of International Letters and Cultures, and serves as Head of East and Southeast Asian Faculty at Arizona State University, in Tempe. He was a member of the Board of Directors of the Inter-University Board of Chinese Language Studies in Taipei between 1992–2000, and served as Executive Director of that board from 1996–2000.